Tuesday, February 01, 2005

My mom is on vacation

In case it's not bad enough that my mom lives in Florida for 6 months, now she is on a vacation from her vacation. Mom and John are on a cruise and they won't be home until Saturday. For those of you asking, "So what?" you have to understand that my sister,Kara and I talk to our mom between one and three times a day. It depends what is going on. Lillianna called my mother during her week off from school (5 snow days!)because she wanted to watch THE PRICE IS RIGHT with her Nana! Thank goodness for my long distance calling plan.

Today Kara called me on my way home from work.She complained how much she misses mom and I agreed. It's weird not talking to her every day. She is probably glad for a break from us since she worries about everything. The snow storm here caused her to worry because Kara and I had to get to work. The cruise will do her good but Kara and I can't wait to talk to her on Saturday.

When I got into the apartment I went through the mail. There was an early birthday card from Mom just when I was missing her the most. The card made me cry and I thought about leaving a teary message on her answering machine but with my luck,she'll think something bad happened and she'll panic!

She will be in Massachusetts in 9 days for a 10 day visit.We are very excited for this visit. It will be hard to say good-bye when she has to leave but that will mean she will be home 2 months later. I can deal with 2 months.....I think.

Are you close to your parents?

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