Saturday, February 12, 2005

A very unpleasant dream

Last night I had a very frightening dream.I was back home in the house that I grew up in and my friend Kristy and I were standing in the living room. One of her cats was outside on the lawn and we were looking outside from the bay window.Suddenly,an enormous snake,I mean HUGE,came out from underneath the grass. The ground was breaking apart to let the snake come out. I was horrified.I called for Rich to hurry up and come see this.I was in a panic!He never left the kitchen where he was just standing.

Then I noticed that the snake was looking at Kristy's cat who was now playing with a neighbor's cat.
The snake gobbled up Kristy's cat and then the other cat jumped out of the way and ran across the street to it's house.When it got there,it jumped about 10 feet in the air and it's owner caught it. Then the snake looked at my house.
Horrified,I noticed a huge gap in the side of the front door and before I could get there to close the door,the snake was coming through!!

I ran to my old bedroom and locked the door and forced myself to wake up.I got up,went to the bathroom and tried to go back to sleep. Every time I fell asleep,the dream picked up where I left off! It took about an hour to make the snake stop bothering me in my dream.

I decided to check out dream interpretation online and looked up snake,cat and running since I ran into my room. I am not sure how accurate this is but here's what I found.

1. An ancient symbol of transmutation. The dreamer will soon undergo a vast inner change that will be reflected in her outer life. If the dream is a positive and uplifting one, then good times are ahead. If the dream is a scary one, the times ahead may still be good ones, but the dreamer needs to be very careful of pitfalls along the way.
2. An even more ancient symbol for the Great Goddess. If the dreamer is a woman, then she will soon come into realization of her power as a woman. If the dreamer is a man, especially if he is single, a very powerful and exciting woman will soon come into his life - though she may not be a potential love partner.
Astrological parallels: Scorpio, Pluto.
Tarot parallels: The Tower, The Empress.

1. Love, loyalty, beauty.
2. Fierce defense of loved ones or pursuit of something desperately desired.
3. Royalty; godliness; a keeper of hidden knowledge.
Astrological parallels: Venus, Taurus.

Running (away from something)
Something in the dreamer's life is difficult to face, and the dreamer would rather run away from it than face it. If such a situation is not readily recognized by the dreamer, looking to the other symbols in the dream should give the answer.
Astrological parallel: Pisces.

Ok, so what is this all about?I have been putting off a dream because,damn it,I am afraid I might fail. Ya,ya,how can I succeed if I don't try? Don't think that thought hasn't crossed my mind a million times. I have written a few childrens' books and I have been afraid to send them to a publisher since I am terrified of rejection.Suzanne said she is rejected lots of times but it doesn't bother her anymore.How can it not bother her? I would be crying in a box of tissues with each rejection letter. What if I'm not thick skinned enough for this?

I know I have to put my fears aside and get my ideas out there because maybe,just maybe I could be a published author one of these days. I always encourage people to follow their dreams. I suppose it's only fair that I take my own advice.

How do you overcome your fears?

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