Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Being grateful for whatever they do

I kind of left the house in a huff this morning. It's no secret I don't like working on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings,but today I was even more frustrated with the early morning rushing around.I was running late and Lillianna had finally let me do her hair after the daily struggle with snarls. I gave Rich the 5 minute warning as he lay in bed,"I'm outta here. You have to get up," I told him. Rich staggered out of bed,dazed and confused.

I looked around the living room. Lillianna's Yu-Gi-Oh cards had been sitting on the living room rug for 3 days.Oh sure I had asked her to pick them up since Sunday but she always responded with, "I'm still playing with them,Mom." I'm no neat freak so I let it slide. This morning I told Lillianna that anything of hers that she didn't put away would be thrown out when I got home. I told Rich and Lillianna that I expected both beds to made too. I said good-bye and off to work I went.

When I got home at 1:00pm I checked the rooms. The living room was free of Lillianna's cards and pajamas and she had made her bed. It was a little bumpy,(I suspect there is a pair of socks under her blankets) but she did much better than Rich.When I saw our bed I had to laugh. He put the comforter on sideways! The green border is hanging off of my side instead of at the top with the pillows.
I'll just keep my mouth zipped and be grateful they both did what I asked.

Do you get upset when your spouse or children don't clean the way you do?

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