Monday, July 05, 2004

The Day We All Cried! (Happy Anniversary, Liane and Brian!)

July 5th 1997 was a beautiful day. I was 7 months pregnant and a bridesmaid in my dear friend Liane's wedding. Liane and I have been friends since we were 12 years old.

When I got to Liane's sister's house I saw Brian standing outside. I warned him to stay away...bad luck and all to see the bride. When I saw Liane in her beautiful gown I nearly cried. She looked so elegant. Later when I ran outside to find Rich, Brian touched my arm and asked, "How does she look?" I had to choke back the tears as I said, "She looks like Wedding Day Barbie...only real!" He nodded.

I have loved Liane since the day we met in junior high school. To this day there is a bond of love and trust between us that is very rare and believe me, we both cherish it!
The courtship between Liane and Brian was wonderful and funny but it's their story to tell so I will just say that two wonderful people who were destined to be together finally met and got married. All the people that loved and adored them were asked to be in that wedding.

So here we were standing in the entry way of the church waiting to walk down the aisle. The ushers were strolling down casually when Liane heard her wedding music and said quietly, "I really love this song." (I believe she said it was the song Maria walked down the aisle to in THE SOUND OF MUSIC.) Well.....just the look on Liane's face: hopeful,happy,peaceful, was our undoing! I don't know who was first,(Ok, so maybe it was one knows for sure)but someone started to cry. Liane's cousin Jodi started to pass out tissues to each one of us. The feelings we had for Liane suddenly overwhelmed us all. Her sister Linda, her cousin Jodi, Brian's sister Joely, Brian's cousin Nancy and me found ourselves sobbing uncontrollably.

Now it was time to walk down the aisle. Holding our long stemmed rose in the crook of our left arm and holding a wad of tissues in our right hand we bravely made the walk (I waddled!)from the back of the church to the front, crying all the way.
When we got to the front where we lined up side by side we were still sobbing hysterically.

The minister stood there in confusion for a few moments. I bet he was hoping we could compose ourselves.Then he cleared his throat and said, "Well, I have never seen this before. Usually there is crying after the ceremony." Hoping to make it all perfectly clear to one and all I blurted out between sobs, "We just really love them!" As the words came flying out of my mouth I was thinking,"I didn't just yell that out in church did I? Leave it to the Jewish girl!"

In order to get through the ceremony we all held hands and tried to calm each other down. A few minutes later the crying subsided and we paid attention to the ceremony.
My heart felt like it was going to erupt like a volcano. I was filled with so much love for these two people who meant so much to me. As they took their wedding vows they were surrounded with so much love I felt like I could reach out and touch it.

So to my dear friends Liane and Brian....HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! WE LOVE YOU!!

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