Saturday, March 12, 2005

Thank you,Holly!!

I got an awesome suggestion on my post about BLTs from a reader who goes by the name hols.
I think it's safe to assume her name is Holly,right? (Don't give me the "When you assume you make an ass out of u and me," speech.I've made enough mistakes from assuming to know that's certainly true,thank you.)
So,anyway,she suggested adding avocado to a BLT.I had to think that one over and decided that the next time I had a BLT I would certainly give it a whirl.Well,next time was last night.

I have to say the only way I enjoy an avocado is with lemon and salt. I learned this when I lived in Israel and we grew them. So I sliced up an avocado and added it to my BLT. Even thinking about it now is making me drool.(Sorry,I had to wipe my chin!)
This has to be the most delicious food combination I have had in a long time. I loved it. I made little happy noises while I ate. Rich looked over at me and sarcastically asked,"Good?" There were no words to describe how I felt.

If you haven't tried avocado on a BLT you are missing out on something phenomenal.
Thank you so much,Holly!!

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