Sunday, March 06, 2005

A WHAT is in your eye?

Ok people,I am getting sick of this! Let's define a couple of things here.

n. pl. pig sties
1.A shelter where pigs are kept.
2. Slang. A dirty or very untidy place.

Main Entry: sty
Variant: or stye
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural sties or styes
: an inflamed swelling of a sebaceous gland at the margin of an eyelid called also hordeolum

I want to make sure everyone knows the difference between the two words. Pigsty is a home for pigs and a stye is a swollen gland on the eyelid. They are clearly two very different things. So unless you happen to have pigs running around your eyelid,please do not call your eye doctor and
complain of having a pigsty in your eye. Because if you do have a pigsty in your eye,you have some serious problems!!

Do you know the difference between a pigsty and a stye?


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