Saturday, March 05, 2005

Crazy phone calls

One day,several years ago,I had a dilemma at work.I decided to call Rich at his work to solve my problem.This was back in the day when he had a cell phone but only turned it on as he was driving home from work. Of course now we both have phones and if I need to talk to him I just call his cell. Back then I had to actually go through the main number,be transfered to his department and then someone had to find him to take my call. I rarely called Rich at work so he was quite anxious as he answered the phone huffing and puffing.

Rich:(breathless) Hello?
Me:(cheerfully) Hi,honey!
Rich:(hesitantly)What's wrong?
Me: What was the name of the fort on F-Troop?
Rich: Fort Courage.
Me:(excited!!) Oh ya....Fort Courage. Thanks!
Rich:(clearly confused) That's what you called me for?
Me: Uhm....ya.We were talking at work and none of us could think of the name of that fort.I knew you would know so I decided to call you.Thanks for your help.Love you!! you.

Since that call,Rich has teased me about it many times.It hasn't stopped me from calling him with crazy trivia questions,though,over the years.
The other day Rich called me at home.I had already spoken to him earlier so this call made me nervous.

Rich:(chewing)So,I'm eating lunch....
Me:(interrupting) What's wrong??
Rich:So,I'm eating lunch.....
(I decided to sit down while I listened so that I could brace myself for whatever he was going to tell me.)
Me:(trying to hurry him up so I could hear the news quickly) What happened?
Rich:(still chewing) So I am eating low-carb pita right?
Me:(wondering what the heck that had to do with anything)Yes,it's low-carb.
Rich:How many grams of carbs are in this?
Me:(still not understanding where this conversation is going) 10 grams.
Rich:Cuz Kevin has low-carb pita that only has 5 grams.
Me:(finally realizing his emergency was just like my F-Troop emergency.) You called me about the pita???

Do you and your spouse call each other for funny questions like this??

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