Sunday, June 20, 2004

Make up your damn mind, already!!

I read something this morning in Reader's Digest that totally made me want to scream. Apparently there is a new title for "vegetarians" who like to eat meat. I had thought those were the people who didn't eat meat. Silly me.

I wouldn't call them anything at all. Would you? I eat meat and vegetables. I always have. You don't hear me going around calling myself an omnivore.That's what I am but I keep it to myself. Is it important to announce it to the public? However, for those "vegetarians" who have now decided to eat meat too there is a new title......."FLEXITARIANS!" Can you believe this? Are you a vegetarian or aren't you? Make up your damn mind!

Now I have nothing against anyone's beliefs at all. My dear friend Cheryl is a vegan and for her it is a decision based on her belief that it is not right to eat animals. She doesn't make me feel like a jerk if she is eating a salad and I am gnawing on a cow in front of her. We respect each other's right to choose what to eat.
Now if at some point Cheryl's view changes and she decides that a plate of sirloin tips is just what she needs then she will not be calling herself a vegan. Why? BECAUSE SHE IS NOT A LUNATIC, THAT'S WHY!!

The person who came up with flexitarian is an idiot. Why does everything need a damn title? You eat meat and vegetables?....well good for you. I personally am on a low carb diet. Am I a lowcarbian? Do I need to call myself something? Do you all have to know what my personal food choices are? If so, WHY?
Knowing someone is a vegan is important because their food choices are quite different. If we are eating together I do not want to make a meat sauce for our pasta. That would be inconsiderate and downright rude. What is this obsession with having a name for everything?

What do you consider yourself to be? Make up any title and let me know!

1 comment:

AGK said...

CRAZY. That's my title. Oh, you meant, what, food-wise? EATER? LOL