Monday, November 27, 2006

A magic marker "high"

Lillianna was sick over the weekend with a stuffy nose. While I was at work yesterday Rich said she just wasn't right. That was confirmed when she took a 2 hour nap in the middle of the day. I decided to keep her home from school today.

On the way home from work,I stopped to get her some Sudafed,which I had to show my license in order to buy at CVS and I had to sign my name to the Sudafed sheet. Apparently kids are making drugs from this. Who knew?

I was going to buy Lillianna new magic markers when I saw the white board that she has been asking for. She is constantly writing or copying recipes and since her chalk board broke from over use,I decided to buy the white board and the new markers.

She jumped for joy and thanked me a billion times when she saw her present. Then she wrote for about 3 hours straight while babbling,"IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou!" every now and then. It's nice to have a grateful child.

I was just about to hop into the shower this morning when I went to hug her. She was writing on her board again curled up on the couch.I got a whiff of the markers and nearly became disoriented. I looked at Lillianna in horror and said,"Are they making you dizzy? The smell is overwhelming! I could get high off that stuff!"

My congested daughter looked at me in a curious way and said,"But Mom...I can't smell!" Then we both burst out laughing since that is the reason she is home sick today. The poor child can't breathe through her nose!

She can't get high off the markers if she can't breathe.....can she?

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