Thursday, June 16, 2005

When did things change?

When I was a kid,way back when,people didn't even pick up the newspaper in their front yard unless they were properly dressed. Maybe there was that crazy neighbor lady who snuck out in her housecoat and rollers in her hair and hoped no one was looking but that wasn't the norm. When people left the house, they looked respectable.

Yesterday, on my way to work, I saw a 20-something guy walk in front of my car dressed in my pajamas! He had on blue plaid Tweety flannel pajama bottoms and a t-shirt. I guess the fact that he was wearing shoes made that an outfit but when I bought those pants they were sold as pajamas! When did it become acceptable to prance around in jammies?

Many little girls would come home from school crying, "Bobby said he saw my underwear!" You can put any name in there, but the fact is, if someone saw your underwear,you were embarrassed. Friends might help you out and whisper to you, "I can see the band of your underwear. Pull your pants up." Oh, the gratitude of hearing that from a friend before others might snicker at the same thing. No one wanted to hear the endless sing songy chant of, "I can see your underwear. I can see your underwear....."
I remember playing kickball at my friend's house when suddenly one of the boys started taunting, "I see London. I see France. I see Martha's underpants!" Poor Martha. It was a rough day for her.

Now,it's cool and chic to show the world your unmentionables. Women wear their pants low on purpose so that you can see their thong underwear. I don't want to see someone's underwear. They are to be worn "under," get it? UNDER!
Guys are wearing their pants so that their boxers can be seen above their pants. They look like clowns without the big shoes. I think that is the most ridiculous look. If I were single and met up with a guy who was sporting this look I would try not to laugh and say, "Hey Doofus! Pick up your pants for goodness sake!"

Do you miss the good old days or have you changed with the times?

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