Thursday, September 29, 2005

September 29, 1987

Eighteen years ago today my dad died. It's still painful to remember.
I spoke to Kara this morning and said,"Do you realize you have been without Daddy longer than you were with him?"

Of course she knows that information but I had to say it out loud to make sense of it. Kara was just about to turn 13 when he died. I was 24. It will never make sense to either one of us.

Daddy has missed my life. Lillianna will be 8 in just a few days. He would've loved his grand daughter. She is happy and funny and full of life. Daddy loved that. He would've loved Rich too. They have a lot in common.

So,I've lived my life but there will always be a missing piece of my heart. Eighteen years or one hundred and eighteen doesn't matter.....I am still sad that my Dad is gone and that he wasn't here to share the good things in our life.

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