Saturday, April 16, 2005

The last day

A woman that Rich had briefly worked with,was killed in a car accident this week. She had her 6 year old daughter in the car as well as her roommate. No one was wearing a seat belt but according to what Rich told me,that wouldn't have even saved her when they were hit head on by an suv. Her daughter and the roommate are in critical care.

Last night when Rich came home from work he said he was stunned that his co-workers were not bothered by the death of a woman they worked with for 8 months. No big deal.
He was appalled by their apathy. How could this not have an impact on these people? Rich said,"You know,she was just taking her child to school. You don't leave the house in the morning and think,'Gee....this is my last day on Earth!' You never think that.Now her child has to be told that her mom is never coming back!"

It kind of freaked me out when I thought about what he said. I guess realistically I know that any day could be my last day but the way he put it gave me the chills.
I can't dwell on this because it's just a fact of life which will happen whenever it's supposed to happen but now it's on my mind.

Do you ever think of your own mortality?

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