Tuesday, December 20, 2005

How did I get here?

Last night at 2:30am,(ok,make that this morning),Lillianna came in our room complaining of a tummy ache. Usually the reason is too much junk food before bed. Last night I let her stay up until 10:00pm to decorate the tree with Rich and I know she was nibbling on the yummy cookies my sister-in-law gave her.Those cookies look and smell delicious! *sigh*
Lillianna tried going to the bathroom but it didn't help.Her tummy still hurt.

Rich heard me telling Lillianna that I would go in her bed with her. He mumbled,"I'll sleep in her room. Let her stay in here with you." He gathered his pillows from our bed and shuffled out the door.

This morning at 7:35am,after Lillianna was dressed and I had made the lunches, I decided to wake Rich up. I stood by the bed and said,"Rich.It's time to get up." He opened his eyes and looked confused.He looked at the purple flannel sheet he was covered in and frowned. He looked up at the white ruffle canopy over his head and his eyes opened wide. He kept looking around the room with panic on his face.

"How did I get here?" he asked incredulously.

I rolled my eyes and gave him my best did-I-marry-a-moron? look and said sarcastically,"I carried you in here!"

He blinked and asked again,"How did I get here?"

At that point I got nervous and wondered if something was actually wrong with him. I sent Lillianna out of the room to eat breakfast.

Cautiously,I asked,"Are you ok? Do you really not remember how you got in here?"

Rich said,"No,I don't."

I reminded him about Lillianna's tummy ache the night before and slowly he began to remember. He said,"You could hand me a gun and ask me to kill the neighbors and I'd never remember it."

All I could think of was thank goodness I like my neighbors!

The thing that drives me crazy is that there have been many times that I have had a conversation with Rich in the middle of the night and he responds appropriately. He doesn't just grunt or mumble. He has whole conversations with me but he can't remember them in the morning.

Have you ever had this problem with your spouse?

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