Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Just a quick update

I wanted to thank everyone for their thoughtful emails,cards and phone calls. I have heard from internet friends, co-workers from both jobs, friends and family.
Your outpouring of love and concern has been overwhelming.

I can happily report that I am much better than I was last week. I still can't do as much as I could before because I become exhausted and need to rest but the pain is almost completely gone. For that,I am extremely grateful.

As Lillianna and I were driving out of the supermarket this afternoon,I was feeling very grateful about getting a second chance to do it all over correctly.Very humbly I said,"We have an awful lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving." She said,"Ya,Auntie Kara is getting married!" (Kara got her engagement ring while we were in Florida so now it's official......thank goodness!) I said,"Ya,that's true but I was thinking more along the line that I was alive and getting better everyday." Lillianna said,"That too but Auntie's getting married!" Ahhhhhh,kids....they bounce back so quickly!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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