Sunday, August 21, 2005

How is this possible?

Here is another article in News Of The Weird.

Recurring Themes
Among the more astonishing repeat stories in News of the Weird are reports of people who had somehow managed to swallow their toothbrushes. The Saudi Press Association reported in January that doctors at King Abdul Aziz Hospital in Taif had removed a toothbrush from the stomach of a 70-year-old man (who claimed to have accidentally swallowed it 22 years ago). And in July, the Associated Press reported that a Taiwan surgeon had removed an eight-tooth, accidentally swallowed lower denture from the bronchial tube of a 45-year-old man. The man said he had misplaced the denture three years ago and had been looking everywhere for it. [Agence France-Presse, 1-18-05] [Newsday-AP, 8-1-05]

They've got to be kidding. I can barely brush my back teeth without gagging. How the heck did people swallow their toothbrush or their dentures? I mean seriously. When did accidentally swallowing dental products become an issue?

What's next? What about an electric toothbrush? I suppose if it's swallowed while it's still on,someone would feel it and wouldn't wait a million years to tell someone.Right? Gosh,who knows anymore!! What morons.
What if someone swallows a bottle of mouthwash? Mmmmm....minty goodness from the inside out! How about a pack of dental floss? I suppose that would go down a bit smoother than the other bulky items but what would that do to your intestines? Of course if you swallowed a toothbrush and then swallowed the floss,maybe you could tie the brush with the floss and pull it out?

Have you ever swallowed any dental products? Do you really feel this is a public concern?

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